A Copeland that works for everyone, with more homes
A cleaner Copeland we can be proud of
Keeping Council Tax low
- New homes come up a lot on the doorstep. We will work with planners to build the right mix of homes, which are near to local people's friends and family. So that more Copeland residents can have a home of their own.
- Cleaner towns and villages to be proud of
Our local plan will invest in creating more street care teams across our community to make sure our towns and villages are clean and tidy. So that we can all be proud of Copeland.
- Keeping your council tax low
We will run the council more like a business, so that your Council Tax is as low as possible. This means that you keep more of your hard earned money.
- Crack down on dog fouling
We'll tackle dog mess. We'll ensure the full weight of enforcement powers are used, to make sure that dog fouling is reduced in our streets and walkways. So that your our area is dog mess free!
- Making the best use of our buildings
Copeland Conservatives will work with planners and our enforcement team to
bring derelict buildings back into full use, so that our street scene is improved and
more buildings become available for local people.
- Investing in our rural communities and villages
We will invest in regeneration for our small and medium sized businesses so that our village communities can thrive once again. This means more local opportunities and bustling local economies.